項次 | 料號 | 數量 | 單位 | 需用日 | 小計 |
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20250317 |
| Indian SpaceTech Startup Recruitment | | |
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| Recruitment •,,Provide a list of 20 space technology startups long-list (established less than 8 years ago): including company name, introduction, website, contact information, and recommendation reasons. •,,Indian startups shall focus on rocket manufacturing and launch, rocke t key parts/components, communication satellites and systems, remote ima ging and sensing applications, etc. If the startup has Flight heritage i s plus for the list. •,, Select and Arrange a suitable India jury committee to recommend at l east 10 or more startups to ITRI/TAcc+. Physical Event ,,Venue selection (Bangalore), including meal and tea included ,,Arrange online video to TASA and Taiwan SpaceTech enterprises